Spider Veins

What are they? Will they go away?
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What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are thin veins branching out like a spider web, that are visible on the skin’s surface. They usually appear in the face or legs, where veins tend to go through a little more wear-and-tear from things like sunlight or sitting for extended periods of time.

Will My Spider Veins Go Away On Their Own?

Unfortunately no, they will not go away on their own. While spider veins are harmless, we understand that they can be uncomfortable. We’re here to help! Schedule a visit with Dr. Ellen Derrick, and learn which treatment options are best for you.

How we can help

Dr. Ellen Derrick will work with you to choose a treatment option that fits your personal needs. Depending on the diameter and location of your spider veins, she will use either sclerotherapy or laser therapy to remove your spider veins.

Come on In!

Monday: 9AM-5PM

Tuesday: 8AM-5PM

Wednesday: 9AM-5PM

Thursday: 8AM-5PM

Friday: Closed

Saturday & Sunday: Closed



(360) 470-7156


3216 NE 45th Pl Ste. 207
Seattle, WA 98105

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