Post-Op Instructions
Following your procedure:
Your leg will be wrapped in the office following the procedure.
The bandages may be removed after 48 hours.
Keep your legs elevated as much as possible the day of the procedure
You may resume normal activities after 48 hours.
You may resume exercise 1 (one) week after the procedure.
If needed, you may take tylenol for the week following the procedure.
DO NOT take aspirin or ibuprofen.
Sun exposure should be avoided for one month after your procedure.
If you experience any problems after your procedure, please call our office during business hours 206-596-3976.
If you feel you have an emergency situation please call 911.
Endovenous Laser Ablation
Following your procedure:
For the first 2 days you will alternate between elevating your legs and walking around the house. You will not do housework, laundry, running errands, etc. It is very important to walk around the house every 2 hours if you are inactive you have a higher chance of developing a blood clot.
Take Ibuprofen 800 mg 3 times a day (Every 8 hours) until it is gone if prescribed, even if you think you don’t need it. Take Vicodin every 4-6 hours as needed for additional pain.
Your leg will be numb for 10 to 12 hours. Take a pain pill before the numbness wears off. You cannot drive for at least 24 hours, and longer if you are taking pain medication such as Vicodin.
Day One: Your wraps will stay on for the first 24 hours including overnight. If any time during this 24 hour period the wraps are too tight or uncomfortable, you should loosen them. You do not want to cause skin irritation or breakdown from the wraps being too tight or rubbing your skin.
Day Two: On the day after you procedure, remove the wrap to shower be sure to dry your legs very well. Do not apply band-aids to the sutures. Replace the wrap and wear it during daytime hours at this point. When you remove the wraps, you may have some bruising. This is normal and will resolve after 2-3 week. If you had a phlebectomy, it is normal to develop a lump under the suture site. This will heal on its own.
Day Three: Increase your activity as tolerated but be cautious. Your leg will tell you if you have done too much. You won’t undo anything the Doctor has done but if you do too much too soon you will have discomfort.
Day Four/Five: Post procedure appointment; see the after visit summary given to you at the time of your procedure.
One Week: You may resume exercise. Do not over to it! Listen to your body!
Three Weeks: Do not swim, use hot tub or bathe until three weeks after procedure, shower only!
If you experience any problems after your procedure, please call our office during business hours 206-596-3976.
If you feel you have an emergency situation please call 911.

Post-Op Instructions
Following your procedure:
Your leg will be wrapped in the office following the procedure.
The bandages may be removed after 48 hours.
Keep your legs elevated as much as possible the day of the procedure
You may resume normal activities after 48 hours.
You may resume exercise 1 (one) week after the procedure.
If needed, you may take tylenol for the week following the procedure.
DO NOT take aspirin or ibuprofen.
Sun exposure should be avoided for one month after your procedure.
If you experience any problems after your procedure, please call our office during business hours 206-596-3976.
If you feel you have an emergency situation please call 911.
Endovenous Laser Ablation
Following your procedure:
For the first 2 days you will alternate between elevating your legs and walking around the house. You will not do housework, laundry, running errands, etc. It is very important to walk around the house every 2 hours if you are inactive you have a higher chance of developing a blood clot.
Take Ibuprofen 800 mg 3 times a day (Every 8 hours) until it is gone if prescribed, even if you think you don’t need it. Take Vicodin every 4-6 hours as needed for additional pain.
Your leg will be numb for 10 to 12 hours. Take a pain pill before the numbness wears off. You cannot drive for at least 24 hours, and longer if you are taking pain medication such as Vicodin.
Day One: Your wraps will stay on for the first 24 hours including overnight. If any time during this 24 hour period the wraps are too tight or uncomfortable, you should loosen them. You do not want to cause skin irritation or breakdown from the wraps being too tight or rubbing your skin.
Day Two: On the day after you procedure, remove the wrap to shower be sure to dry your legs very well. Do not apply band-aids to the sutures. Replace the wrap and wear it during daytime hours at this point. When you remove the wraps, you may have some bruising. This is normal and will resolve after 2-3 week. If you had a phlebectomy, it is normal to develop a lump under the suture site. This will heal on its own.
Day Three: Increase your activity as tolerated but be cautious. Your leg will tell you if you have done too much. You won’t undo anything the Doctor has done but if you do too much too soon you will have discomfort.
Day Four/Five: Post procedure appointment; see the after visit summary given to you at the time of your procedure.
One Week: You may resume exercise. Do not over to it! Listen to your body!
Three Weeks: Do not swim, use hot tub or bathe until three weeks after procedure, shower only!
If you experience any problems after your procedure, please call our office during business hours 206-596-3976.
If you feel you have an emergency situation please call 911.
Suite 207
Seattle, WA 98105
Ellen Derrick, MD MPH FACS
Suite 207
Monday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm